It should be said that many flamencos outside Spain first came to the higher forms of Flamenco through the rumba. Some do not recognize this music as belonging to Flamenco or dismiss it as a superficial form, while others less involved with Flamenco, regard it as the very embodiment of flamenco music. However, the Rumba flamenca is a very controversial area. The unexpected great success of my two volume Flamenco Guitar Method, which was reflected in the many letters received from within Germany and abroad and in the positive reviews in the specialist publications and flamenco circles, was accompanied with expressions of regret that the Latin American forms, especially the rumba and its derivatives, were not treated in greater depth. 3 version of every title: all instruments - only solo-guitar - only rhythm-guitar.2 Audio-CDs (All titels in normal and slow version).50 photos of all hand and finger strokes.Explanation of all techniques of right and left hand.5 Flamenco-Compositions (full transcribed).Standard music notation and tablature / tabs.In "Gipsy Guitar" the author guides each interested guitar player safely to the world of the Rumba Flamenca, imparting all solo and accompanying techniques by means of printed music, tablature and two excellent CD recordings.

It is precisely these forms of the flamenco that are regarded by many people as the epitome of the flamenco and with which groups such as the Gipsy Kings take the international charts by storm. Gerhard Graf-Martinez has devoted the present volume, at the request of many of his readers, especially to the Hispano-American aspect of the flamenco, the Rumba Flamenca. Gipsy Guitar - Rumba flamenca - Play-Along-Album